Cameron's Neanderthals go to Czech Republic and Bears to Italy


Czech rights to The Bear author Claire Cameron’s THE LAST NEANDERTHAL have been sold to Jota by Justyna Pelaska of Graal on behalf of Denise Bukowski at The Bukowski Agency.

Rights previously sold to Little, Brown (US), Doubleday (Canada), Cargo/De Bezige Bij (the Netherlands), SEM (Italy), Zara (Denmark), and Maeva (Spain), bringing the total number of territories to seven.Italian rights to THE BEAR by Claire Cameron to SEM, publisher of THE LAST NEANDERTHAL,  by Laura Grandi of Grandi & Associati on behalf of Denise Bukowski at The Bukowski Agency. Rights previously sold to Little, Brown (US), Doubleday (Canada), Cargo/De Bezige Bij (the Netherlands), Kero (France),  Nefes Yayinevi (Turkey), Bertand (Brazil), and Skybook (Viet Nam), bringing the total number of territories to eight.

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